
18 Jun 2011

Father's day tips for both FATHER AND CHILDREN

OK tomorrow is father's day....every one knows that but are you worrying how to make it special??
well you dont have to cause we brought you some tips for that....^_^

10 tips to help you be the BEST FATHER
                                Here are 10 simple tips from the experts there to keep the ties to your own children strong and healthy on Father's Day - and every day:
1.      Hold your children close to make them feel loved and secure. Even teenagers need to be hugged, though they often protest.
2.      Set consistent rules for conduct and stick to them.
3.      Read to your kids, especially when they are toddlers and youngsters. Share outings to the library and let children select books that prompt their imagination and interests.
4.      Tell your children you love them and that they're special to you.
5.      Encourage and support your children's interests and schoolwork; check homework and visit your child's classroom.
6.      Tell your children stories about when you were little. Let them know about what you would do differently (if you were to get a do-over) and things you did right.
7.      Play with your children, inside and outside the house. If you're not the athletic type, quiet games such as Go Fish! or checkers can be as much fun as playing ball. Sign kids up for teams and attend their team games.
8.      Eat together! Sharing conversation over a meal is one of the best ways to bond and learn about what is going on in your children's lives.
9.      Talk with your teenager about appropriate behavior regarding sex, drugs, and alcohol. Be sure to talk about these subjects more than once to make your views clear.
10. If your children's schedules don't fit yours, still try to find time each day to spend with them. They will appreciate knowing that they are important enough for you to be making the effort to be together.
11. "The most important gifts you can give to your child are love and time with you," says Dr. Robin Ganzert, president and CEO of American Humane Association. "So this year for Father's Day, in addition to giving thanks for a tie that you may wear for a year or two, be sure to give your kids the gift of the ties that bind for a lifetime. Your children will thank you and your family life will be immeasurably enriched."

5 Tips for children to make a Meaningful Father's Day

1.      Capture the Moment - Time doesn't stand still unless it's captured in photos/videos.  Every parent enjoys receiving pictures of their loved ones - this is true of Grandparents too.  So, every year I captured my sons in print for my Father's Day gift to dad.  He couldn't have been happier.  Framed and wrapped in odd sized packages, he'd grin from ear to ear in anticipation as he unwrapped his gift.  Pride is a big "win win" with Dad's and providing him a way to display his pride and joy each year speaks volumes.
2.      Get Creative - Father's L-O-V-E handmade items that they are given to celebrate this special day.  Whether it is a Father's Day card (which I'd highly recommend - remember to date the back); a scrapbook of yearly family highlights and accomplishments; or a birdhouse, father's will proudly display these items for everyone to see and enjoy.  Forget the tie (unless dad really digs them); coffee mug (unless it's homemade or reflects personal artwork), and the bottle of Old Spice - dad's really enjoy something handmade that's nice.
3.      Dessert Anyone? - As most people enjoy a delectable treat from time to time, dad's love to reap the attention on Father's Day.  Allow your dad to choose his favorite  dessert and make it for him.  You may have to recruit others to assist, but it will definitely be worth the end result.  My dad's favorite dessert(s) were Red Velvet Cake (homemade of course) and Mincemeat Pie.  With four daughters, he was well rewarded in the dessert department and always bragged to his friends and co-workers about his "treats".
4.      "What Can I Do for (or with) You?" - "Say What?" - this is Music to a dad's ears.  Especially when it comes from the mouths of older children.  Dad's work hard each and every day to provide for their families so why not offer to do something for him.  He may ask you to mow the lawn, weed the garden, wash his car, or paint this or that to provide him a much deserved and needed break.  He may ask you to do nothing at all except to watch a movie, accompany to him to a sporting event or enjoy an activity that he desires which can only be enjoyed better with your company.  Whatever it is, Do it for dad!  After all, this day is all about spending time with him doing what he enjoys.
5.      Tell Him & Show Him how Much He's Appreciated - Father's Day is celebrated one day out of the year and something that children SHOULD make a fuss about.  Whether he's your dad, step dad or granddad, making the effort will show him just how special and appreciated he really is.  Taking the time to celebrate dad is something that will warm his heart and carry him through the next year when he'll be celebrated all over again.  Make it count.  Do it for dad!!!

Ø  If you've already scheduled a special day for dad, kudos!!!  If not, you've got plenty of time to make the necessary arrangements.  Remember, Father's Day is a day to recognize the wonderful men in our lives.  If you're a mom, help your children plan the perfect celebration to allow for quality time with dad.  If you're a son or daughter, make it count. 

Do it for Dad!!!

This article is dedicated to all the dads out there - especially mine!  Happy Father's Day advance.


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