
28 Jun 2011

Robert Pattinson: His Top Ten List — Is Kristen Stewart Included?

Robert Pattinson maintains a packed schedule, with his filming schedule (from the just-wrapped Breaking Dawn to current project, Cosmopolis), movie premieres, and just keeping up appearances. Plus, the heart-throb carves out time for his girlfriend, Kristen Stewart.

Given such a never-ending calendar, it's all about the priorities for a hot Hollywood star like R-Patz. And, in that spirit, Irish Central put together a witty "top ten" list of things that the actor simply could not live without. It's not endorsed by Pattinson, but what makes the list more entertaining, and more believable than David Letterman's wacky countdown, is that the writer did some major research and compiled it using quotes uttered straight from the mouth of Pattinson.

Included on the roster are little must-haves for Pattinson, such as his dog ("The only emotional connection of relevance is with my dog"); his trademark hair ("I only use water"); a stylist ("I picked out the most ridiculous, extravagant clothes... then I put them on and I thought 'you look such an idiot.'"); and his all-important bodyguards ("I'm really afraid of getting hit by cars, like terrified of it").

But other VIPs weren't left off the list, either, like Robert Pattinson's sisters and Edward Cullen, his Twilight character for whom he'll be forever associated. And, not to worry, Kristen Stewart made the cut, too, because "she's cool," at least in the words of R-Patz. To go hand in hand (or lip to lip!) with Stewart is another top ten list item—kissing, because "I always get carried away when I'm kissing. I just go nuts!"

But, sorry Kristen Stewart and any past, present, or future lip-locked moments with Pattinson, the most prominent things on this list have to be career and money! The Irish Central writer chose this amusing Robert Pattinson quote to illustrate the importance of his job: "Sometimes I think, 'To hell with acting,' and then I realize I could be working at a shoe shop. Acting is much cooler." Somehow, it's hard to picture Pattinson pounding out the hours at a shoe shop!

And then the money shot, ahem, quote from Robert Pattinson: "I started doing a paper route when I was about 10... And then I was obsessed with earning money until I was about 15." Talk about one magnificent obsession! Pattinson certainly has cashed in big since his newspaper days.

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