
19 Oct 2011

Miley Cyrus Is Back At #1 In Charts In…Bulgaria

Miley Cyrus might have not been a number 1 star in the US for a while now, but she is back on the charts in Bulgaria. She is number for her song “Liberty Walk” in Bulgaria. Miley, who did tour the world ealier this summer, has not had a lot of success in the US since her break. Granted, she has put her efforts elsewhere and not so much around the US. This should change soon enough as she does have a few movies lined up for release soon.

I am pleased to see that she is doing well enough to have a number 1 single in another country. I will admit that it is strange that she wants to bypass her own native country, but that is her choice. I do applaud her for her charity work that she does, but beyond that, she hasn’t done much news worthy topics this year. I suppose this is a nice welcome break for the Cyrus family, but her brother seems to be quickly filling in that void for now.

Are you happy to hear that she is anything but forgotten by her fans worldwide? I am and I am sure this pleases her. Maybe she will decide to make a full musical comeback soon enough. It does feel empty without her, even if I don’t care much for her music. I do hope she does make a come back here and be able to save the career she worked for so hard if that is why she wants and best for her healthy.

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