
24 May 2011

MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE by Nicholas Sparks book review

Theresa Osborne is jogging at the beach in Cape Cod when she finds a corked bottle in the sand. When she picks it up she finds a letter in it. She reads the letter - a touching letter from Garret to Catherine. Catherine has left Garrett, but he still misses her presence. Theresa writes a column for the Boston Globe on parenting and families. She takes the letter, removes the names and publishes the letter in her column.
After the column is published, the divorced mother is contacted by another person who'd also found a letter from Garret to Catherine. A little more research uncovers yet a third letter. Theresa knows she has to find Garret and see if the man matches the letters. Her search leads her to Wilmington, North Carolina. There, she and the widower discover that their lives are not over despite the sorrows from their pasts.
Message in a Bottle is another sentimental tale from Nicholas Sparks. The characters are real with real issues. The story kept my attention, but didn't suck me in. That didn't prevent me from crying my eyes out before the end of the book, so Sparks achieved his literary goal. Sentimental, sweet, and heart wrenching - what more can you ask for?

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