
5 Jul 2011

Justin Bieber latest interview

Perhaps the most famous 17-year-old in the world, recording artist Justin Bieber has sold more than five million albums since releasing his first single barely more than two years ago. Initially, the Canadian had no dreams of stardom at the age of 12, when videos of him singing were posted on YouTube for his friends and relatives to enjoy.

If computer, television and mobile phone screens aren’t big enough for his throngs of fans, they’ll be able to catch him on the motion picture screen—in 3D, no less—when the concert film and documentary “Justin Bieber: Never Say Never” opens in theaters in the coming weeks. Music News caught up with the teenage heartthrob to find out more.

MN: Your videos on YouTube began your career. Was that a conscious decision to build your fan base there?
JB: No, I was just putting videos on there just for friends and family. Because I liked doing it and… I never, never wanted to be famous. That wasn't a dream of mine, because I really didn't think it would happen. I didn't think it was possible.

MN: Once you saw how big it was becoming, at what point did you think, maybe we can aim higher than just my friends?
JB: I never aimed high, I still just kept going, because I thought it was fun. I still didn't think I could get famous because of it. So I just had fun with it.

MN: And then you got your manager, Scooter Braun, and you hit the road. What were those early days like?
JB: Well, when Scooter found me, I moved to Atlanta. And right from there, I was traveling and going to a million different radio stations, just trying to get my music on the radio and to get myself out there.

MN: And while you were doing all of that, there was some resistance with the labels. How did you stay positive? You knew you were good, but when people are telling you, “No, we don't really know what to do with him…”
JB: I was like, whatever... I never had anything set in mind. So whatever happened, happened. And I wasn't angry or sad either way.

MN: If you were not on the cover of Vanity Fair, if you did not have 280 million views on your latest video, if you did not have eight million friends on Facebook, six million Tweeters…at what point would you think, “Okay, this is good enough”?
JB: (laughs) I don't know. I think everything happens for a reason. And this—whatever—happens, happens. I'm here, I'm doing what I love. And I'd be satisfied just playing sports in my home town and just being a kid. But, this has definitely been awesome.

MN: When did “Never Say Never” come about?
JB: It just kind of happened.

MN: Did your process change with these 3D cameras swirling around you?
JB: It's always weird to have cameras there, but I just kind of didn't really pay attention to it.

MN: When did choreography come to be part of the package? Did you work with a choreographer?
JB: Yeah. Well, I started out doing radio stations and performing at different radio shows. So I had to have some sort of choreographed stuff. So that's when that started happening.

MN: What do you see as the growth between your first album, “My World” and your follow-up, “My World 2.0”?
JB: Hmm. I just think music evolves and as you evolve, your music is going to change with you. “My World” was my first ever album. With “My World 2.0,” I was still new to it—I’m still new to it now. So I think every album is going to improve and every album is going to be different.

MN: What's it's like to have Usher as a mentor?
JB: He's really cool. And not even just musically, just to hang out with. He's just cool to be around and play basketball with…and just do anything.

MN: He's been there, he's done it. Who do you like being compared to stylistically?
JB: Oh, I don't like being compared at all. Because I think everybody's their own—some people try to be like other people. But for me, I'm just doing my own thing.

MN: When you head back into the recording studio, are you going to try something different?
JB: I'm still young. I still have only gone through what a 17-year-old has gone through. So, I'm just trying to do my thing.

MN: Where would you like to tour that you haven't toured already?
JB: Well, as of March this year, I'm going to have toured everywhere. Yeah, because I'm going to everywhere—like Indonesia…

MN: Is there a place you're really looking forward to being?
JB: I'm looking forward to going to Israel. And I'm going to China, Beijing. That's pretty awesome.

MN: ou’ve collaborated with a bunch of amazing artists. Are there any out there that you would still like to get into the studio with, or get on stage with?
JB: Eminem.

MN: You had mentioned sports—if your life had taken a different path, do you think that's where you'd be?
JB: Well, not professionally. But definitely for fun. That's something I love to do, so I'd be definitely doing that.

MN: ou’ve done some good work on television, and seem to have a good sense of humor about yourself. Are there other things you want to try?
JB: I like acting. I like singing. I want to do more writing for other artists as well.

MN: You write, you perform, you sing, you kick a mean soccer ball. What's the most rewarding thing that you're doing right now? What do you get up in the morning and think, all right, I get to…?
JB: It just depends what I'm doing during the day. It's like, I don't like doing photos or press (laughs), but I love performing for my fans. And…I just love waking up. I think that's a blessing in itself. Just being able to wake up. 'Cause every day above ground is a good day.

MN: On your days off, what do you get to do?
JB: I love to be with my friends. I like to do normal stuff. Like go bowling and play basketball, do stuff like that.

MN: How do you remain grounded? When do you have time to be with your friends?
JB: My two best friends, Ron and Chaz, I fly them out every so often, 'cause they have school. So I have to fly them when they don't have school and try to get them with me as much as possible.

MN: Where do you think of as home right now?
JB: I always think home is where I grew up, in Stratford [Ontario]. That'll always be home.

MN: Your album sales, YouTube views—those numbers are impressive. All that aside, what really matters to you?
JB: Just remaining sane! 'Cause this business is, like, really crazy. And it's easy to get caught up in it. So my sanity is what's important to me. Because, if I don't stay sane, then...

MN: Then you can’t continue to perform.
JB: Exactly.

MN: Compared to a year ago, how are things different now?
JB: Hmm. It's still the same. I'm different. I didn't think it would come this fast, though.

MN: With tools like YouTube and Facebook, things seem to happen so fast these days. You can record something and an hour later 1,000 people could see it.
JB: Exactly.

MN: Michael Jackson, he couldn't do that. Even Usher couldn't do that when he first started.
JB: Exactly. I’m still teaching my boy Usher how to use the Internet.

‘Justin Bieber: Never Say Never is out on Blu-ray Triple Play and DVD on the 25 July’

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