
5 Aug 2011

Emma Watson Reveals Her Only Fashion Regret

Emma Watson sat down with the September issue of Company magazine, some sort of British Hearst production, to talk about her personal style now that she's a step-and-smile pro.
From the interview...
On her signature look:
I think it's quite French, actually [Emma was born in Paris], but overall, it's not really defined yet. I'm still experimenting. I feel most beautiful when I'm wearing something quite simple that's understated and cut beautifully.

On cringeworthy fashion faux pas:
I used to look back at pictures and cringe but actually I'm quite proud that I've had fun with fashion and don't always look perfect. The only regret I have is when I look at something I wore when I was very young and it obviously looks like it belonged to someone else.

On red carpet looks:
If everyone's styled then there's no personality in what anyone wears anymore. It's just so bland. There's nothing expressive and you don't get a sense of who that person is -- you just see whatever designer they've been put in.

Her best beauty tip:
Don't wear too much make-up. Less really is more. I think the most beautiful people are those who look like they're not really wearing any. Overall though, just have fun with it and experiment. Kate Bosworth and Diane Kruger always have beautiful hair and make-up.
Always. And we will never tire of actresses talking about actresses' style. It's just our thang.
The September issue of Company hits newsstands August 6. For more, head over to
Emma in 2003 wearing something that looks like it belonged to someone else:

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