
8 Sept 2011

Codex Alera book review

(Thanx to Vikram Raghu for the review)

Having read extensively into several classics and many recent popular novels... 
I find it surpising that this book is not more popular. 
The story is set based on the middle ages roughly and at some places hints to be part of the Romanic era. It revolves mainly around a young boy named Tavi born into a country where everyone without exception possess elemental powers of varying degrees of magnitude earth, fire, wind, water, metal and wood. Without exception atleast until Tavi was born. 
As he grows he faces difficulties including public ridicule. The story evolves around him over six books as he overcomes problem after problem with nothing but wits and deadly cunning and resourcefulness ultimately to lead the entire country in a battle for survival.
I believe that many people are not gripped by this because they find that the story develops slowly. Personally I believe that this series can be compared to the "Lord of the rings" on an equal footing and had I not read it I would have missed out on one the best stories that come around once a decade or so.


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