Women think about the world in a subjective manner and men think about the world in an objective manner. He says if you ask a man what he’s thinking and he says, "Nothing" he really is thinking about nothing, which is incomprehensible to women who are thinking about everything. At 30 years old this was mind-blowing stuff. !!! Then Alright but I couldn’t keep the book down. But is this working ??? This is hands down one of the most amazing books I’ve ever read about relating to the opposite sex. Shocking, I know. But truly. Girls in relationships, are they frustrated?? Do you feel misunderstood? Do you wish your guys did this and this and you wish he would just give CARE? There are so many wonderful tips on how to deal with the opposite sex, and gives us insight into why each of us are the way we are. It can get a little dry at times, but, it helps explain things in very simple terms. But am I too young to read this book or is it only for married persona ?? just let me answer myself as trying to understand my significant other(off course there are none till this second) my safe answer is being prepared !!!! Off course u people are going to say this girl is out if her mind!!
But kya Karen .. :)