11 Jun 2011

Selena Gomez: Justin Bieber Passed the ‘Mom Test’

We learned a few new tidbits about perky starlet Selena Gomez thanks to a visit from Jim Carrey to ‘The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.’
Couched between Leno and Carrey, Gomez chatted about her rise to fame and her, er, friendship with Justin Bieber.
With the ‘Mr. Popper’s Penguins’ star butting in on her interview every few minutes, Gomez revealed that her favorite Jim Carrey movie is ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’ (classy pick, btw, Miss Gomez) and, even though her star is rising, she’s not going to let Hollywood turn her into an insecure, image-obsessed headcase who tosses her cookies before photo shoots.
The ‘Wizards of Waverly Place’ star, who graces the cover of the latest issue of ‘Teen Vogue,’ said she feels uncomfortable posing for glamour shots. Carrey’s oh-so-serious response: “Do they make you vomit?”
Not managing to escape any Bieber-related questions, Gomez revealed that her teen singer boyfriend has indeed met her mother.
“How’d that go? OK? Did she like him?” Leno asked.
“He passed the test,” Gomez said.

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